
About Tongsheng TSDZ2 mid drive motors

  1. Motor controller
    1. log
  2. LCD - VLCD5
  3. Motor
  4. Torque sensor and PAS

Datasheets and application notes

  1. STM8S105S4T6

Development tools


  1. 2018.04.18 - original firmware and debug session using OpenOCD
  2. 2018.04.19 - First code runs: Hello world
  3. Math operations CPU time


Controller to LCD

Motor stopped and wheel stopped:
43 17 00 58 58 00 07 07
43 17 00 58 5c 00 07 07
43 17 00 58 59 00 07 07

Motor stopped but wheel running:
43 17 00 58 58 00 82 00
43 17 00 58 58 00 82 00
43 17 00 58 58 00 85 00

Motor startup with big current and wheel stopped:
43 17 00 59 73 00 07 07
43 17 00 59 70 00 07 07
43 17 00 59 6d 00 07 07
43 17 00 59 6a 00 07 07